Show us Your True Shelf #5

This is a new segment, highlighting the darkest secrets of your blogging and reading habits for the world to see. It is also a great way to promote yourself. If you want to take part, flick me an email on nzproof [at] and let me know your blog name.

Our featured guest today is Barbara Lane from Grandma’s Ramblings. She has a keen eye for the beautiful and the contradictory in everyday life. She is an American history nut and loves finding the story behind the object. Hop over and check out her blog.

Can you describe your blog in 20 words or less?

Sharing stories from my life, I hope to challenge, encourage or just give someone a laugh.

How do you measure success in a blog?

When people respond that one of my blogs bought a smile to their face, gave them encouragement in a difficult situation or caused them to give some thought to a different viewpoint.

Where do you find information about blogging?

Through reading both books and other writers blogs.

Who is your go-to author on a bad day?

I love the Psalms. They give both sides of life – the joyful praises and the questions about why things are going wrong.

Which book would you love to read but haven’t got around to it yet?

Broken Lives: How Ordinary Germans Experienced the 20th Century by Konrad H. Jarausch

What would make you DNF a book? (Did Not Finish)?

I need more confidence that my writings will really interest others enough to buy a book I wrote.

Show us Your Shelf

Your bookshelf looks so interesting – so many different colours. I really want to zoom in and read all of the titles! Thanks for taking part.

True Shelf Series #1: Taylor Wells

True Shelf Series #2: Stacy Alderman

True Shelf Series #3: Laura Bailey

True Shelf Series #4: Melanie

Note: I’ve had a great response to this! Really appreciate the interest, everyone. I will get one of these posts up every few days. Please do interact and let the featured bloggers know their posts are being read, and maybe follow someone new!

4 thoughts on “Show us Your True Shelf #5”

  1. These are so much fun to read! I’m always so curious about other bloggers, their motivations for writing and I especially love the shelf pictures!! Thank you for helping me expand my blogging world!

  2. I’m loving it too Monica. It’s nice to see another side of the bloggers.

  3. Pingback: Show us Your True Shelf #7 - Writer Side of Life

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