I’m very naughty. Joce at Write Through the Night nominated me for this back in November 2018. (Remember the year 2018? The one where we all stopped watching the news, except for when the actress married the prince, and when a huge worldwide movement began, called #notallmen, I mean #metoo).
I digress. Anyway, I was thrilled that she thought of me.
Please do visit her blog. As well as having a rhyming name that is rather pleasing on the tongue, her site is filled with reviews of fantastic books, book blogger awards and insight about poetry.
The Rules:
1. Display the award!
2. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
3. Answer the questions they’ve written for you!
4. Nominate 8-13 bloggers and give them three questions in the spirit of sharing love and solidarity within our blogging family!
The Questions:
Where do you get your blogging inspiration?
I am inspired by things I watch, books I read, conversations I have. I write to understand my thoughts. When I first started blogging, I’d struggle to think of anything to write, or I would scribble a draft, only to bin it later. Now, I have about five drafts open at once, tapping down tidbits as they come to me.
What is your dream collab? Getting sponsored by a brand? Interviewing an author? Getting to write a post with your favorite blogger?? I want to know all the details!
While I’d love to interview any of my favourite authors, Diana Gabaldon, Connie Willis, Neil Gaiman etc, I know I’m terrible with anyone remotely famous. So, I’d love to be sponsored to travel anywhere. That has to be the dream!
Use your platform!! Talk about one issue (as controversial or uncontroversial as you wish) that means a lot to you and that you want others to know about.
I try to. I have only recently started writing down a few thoughts about feminism, from wondering if you can be a romantic as a feminist, to thinking about whether people judge books by female authors differently, to an article on the challenges working women face.
My Nominations:
Pradnya at Peppered with Stories
My Questions:
1. What has been your blogging highlight so far? Something you wrote, achieved, or learnt.
2. Tell me 3 unique things about you!
3. If you could have your fifteen seconds of fame, what would you say to the world?
Congrats on the award! 🙂
Totally relate with being sponsored to travel. I even wondered for some time how it would be like to be a travel blogger/ writer!
Wouldn’t it be amazing! I had a travel blog once, but wasn’t good enough at photography 😂
You did? Wow!
You really should give it another try some time though.. skills can be learned and photography is one. 🙂
Congratulations, Kim. #notallmen? This made me laugh and got everyone asking what’s amusing her? Your responses are simple yet revealing. Thank you for nominating me. I’m glad i got to know you better.
Thankyou. I look forward to reading your responses, if you want to take part. 🙂
I nominated you for a blogging award. I don’t think any notification got sent out for it because I linked to your homepage instead of a post. There’s no pressure to do it, I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you.
Thanks! 💖I never get any notifications, I’ll go look now.